Israel is for |

You want to grow. We want to help.

All the tools you need to supercharge your growth

What’s a “Shteiger” anyway?

Shtei•ger [noun]

Originating from the Yiddish term meaning "to rise" or "to ascend, “shteig" fittingly mirrors the journey and aspirations of all Shteigers during their year in Israel and beyond.

Apply Now
An action-packed two-week summer program to prepare you for Israel
Attend DiscoverU
This famed program, with divisions for both boys and girls, sets you up for success in Israel.

Hosted at TheZone’s resort-style campus with sports, on-site activities, and trips of a lifetime!

Set yourself up for success in Israel with tools and inspiration, real-life gemara or learning skills, and an appetizer for the year ahead.

Meet people headed to the same seminaries and yeshivos as you!

You’re in Israel! Oorah’s many programs and stipends will help you maximize your year.
Learn with a TorahMate
A mentor and a friend

Weekly half-hour learning sessions of the topic of your choice.

Over the phone or even in person - gain a home away from home!

Bonus! Join your TorahMate for Shabbos meals and more.

Join ChillZone Jerusalem
Your Motzaei Shabbos chill

Learning, fun, and inspiration

Meet up with your friends weekly

Pizza, drinks, and activities

Attend ShabbaZones
Unforgettable Shabbos experiences

Uplifting and inspiring experiences with the Oorah family

Reconnect with friends, mentors, and fellow Shteigers

Great food and beautiful locations!

Financial Aid Info

Incremental financial aid is offered to our students to help them achieve the best year possible!

Funding is contingent on acceptance into and participation in the Shteigers program.

DU Join DiscoverU (pre-Israel)
Go to DU
Earn $2,500 ($250 released monthly to your yeshiva or seminary)
TM Learn with a TorahMate
Go to TorahMates
Earn $2,500 ($625 released quarterly as per your participation 8 or more times each quarter)
Oorah Attend ShabbaZone
Go to Oorah
Join an inspiring and uplifting weekend getaway! (Participation required to receive any Oorah funding.)
ChillZone Bonus! Attend ChillZone Jerusalem!
Go to ChillZone
Participate 3 out of 4 weeks monthly to receive an additional $125 monthly in spending money.
DU Bonus! Join DiscoverU (post-Israel)
Go to DU
Receive $1,000 towards your flight or for personal use. (Subject to approval.)
Own It
You can take the Shteiger out of Israel, but you can’t stop them from shteiging! Whatever your next chapter in life, we’ll be there.
Attend DiscoverU (Optional Return Session)
Don’t navigate it all on your own

Spend time with your friends, rebbeim and mentors

Enjoy transformative, real-life learning to help you re-enter the “real world”

Bonus! Receive $1,000 towards your flight back (or for personal use)!

Learn with a TorahMate
Keep the inspiration Going

Learn weekly with a new TorahMate back at home

Via phone or video call

Keep your Torah learning and Judaism strong!

An Israel experience exclusively for the aspiring student

Apply Now